Sheffield Strategic Partnership

Sheffield City Council and Learn Sheffield are exploring some new approaches to developing education strategy in the city and jointly set up a working group to develop and make recommendations for a new approach to civic partnership in the autumn term 2023.

This work was supported by Jonathan Crossley-Holland (who chaired the working group) and ISOS, both of whom have led research in this field. Meetings of this working group were open to all school leaders and the minutes and presentations from these meetings can be found below.

At the last meeting, in January 2024, the group decided that the focus should shift to become an attendance working group. This will enable work to begin on attendance, which is a key identified priority, whilst the wider civic landscape becomes clearer in the light of the City Goals and changes within SCC.

Sheffield Strategic Partnership Working Group

Working Group Minutes - 10 January 2024
Meeting Presentation - 10 January 2024

Working Group minutes – 23 November 2023
Listening to, and learning from, parents in the attendance crisis (September 2023 – Public First)
Learn Sheffield Insight Report – Attendance (November 2023)
ISOS Input – AEC Pilot (23.11.23)
Presentation (Learn Sheffield) – 23 November 2023

Working Group minutes – 1 November
Presentation (Developing a Partnership) - 1 November 2023
Presentation (Learn Sheffield) - 1 November 2023

Working Group minutes – 14 July 2023
Lessons from other Strategic Education Partnerships (Simon Day – ISOS – 14.7.23)
Background Briefing (Jonathan Crossley-Holland - 14.7.23)