Sheffield Physical Education, School Sport & Physical Activity (PESSPA) Alliance


Improving PE Project Beat the Streets

Improving PE Project

Working in partnership with Learn Sheffield and Mercia TSA, the PESSPA (Physical Education, School Sport & Physical Activity) Alliance submitted a successful bid to DfE (in 2019/20) in relation to a project to improve the quality of PE teaching and leadership.

This partnership recruited a team of Specialist PESSPA Leaders and Champion Schools who worked with identified schools to share good practice across the city. During what was a very challenging year for our colleagues in the education sector, we are very proud to have achieved the following;

  • 97 schools attended one of more of the 16 CPD sessions delivered over 2020-21
  • 148 staff members attended the Universal Offer CPD programme
  • 59 staff members received support and were part delivering the targeted programme
  • We have shared pre-recorded training videos here on our website, free for all Sheffield schools and academies. The videos include information relevant for both PE teaching and PE coordination.
  • To access the series of case studies from schools across the city, please visit the guidance page.

Although delayed by COVID, the Improving PE Project delivered the following programme areas from November 2020 - July2021. A special thank you to all schools and staff that took part.

  • Targeted Support – Improving PE teaching Recruitment of 20 schools to receive support to be completed over three half-terms by March 2021.
  • Targeted Support – Developing PE co-ordination Recruitment of 10 schools to receive support to be completed over three half-terms by March 2021.
  • Targeted Support – maximising the impact of Sports Premium Recruitment of 10 schools to receive support to be completed over three half-terms by March 2021).
  • Universal Training Offer – PE teaching
  • Universal Training Offer – PE co-ordination
  • Development of best practice guidance (engaging the least active) and a toolkit (making the best use of Sports Premium funding).
  • Swimming & Water Safety
  • Project Evaluation (by SHU)
  • The Locality PE Peer Review Programme unfortunately could not take place due to delays caused by COVID, however we were able to collect and collate a series of case studies, sharing best practice from schools across the City.